Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Solbound Mantis Short Released ... and FREE!


A great science fiction short!  FREE 4-8 Sep!

Ximon and the unique crew of the scout ship Mantis come out of hyperspace far from their destination and badly in need of supplies. They find a habitable planet nearby and need to find the most likely place for supplies. Dangerous and humorous interactions with the locals follow. Will they make it out in one peace and with what they need?

SolBound is the first of the short adventures from the Mantis Saga series – stories that fit between the main books.

If you like sci-fi and space opera with a Firefly or Expanse vibe, you'll love this. This sci-fi adventure will keep you hooked with plot, action, and rich, colorful characters.


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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Interview on Author Resource


An interview about Early Mantis is available on Author Resources:


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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Early Mantis on Amazon


“Early Mantis,” Book Zero of the Mantis Saga, is released on Amazon.

It features backstories of all of the crew, including the robots and the ship — their lives, careers, adventures, mis-steps, and relationships.


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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Universe of the Mantis Released on Amazon


The Universe of the Mantis is AVAILABLE on Amazon!!

… And the Kindle version is FREE 20-21 May!!!!

This rich, colorful book offers an encyclopedic review of intriguing aspects of the universe, its characters, and its technology that the Mantis Saga takes place in. It includes a short history, discussion of key empires and organizations, a map of key areas, definitions, character descriptions, and numerous images related to the Mantis. This will be a cherished companion for any reader of the Saga and will enhance their understanding and enjoyment.

Presenting a rich and detailed world and characters, this tone can also serve as valuable reference material and a wonderful setting for other adventures. In particular, it is a great campaign setting for any science fiction game and is especially well suited to 2D6 Science-Fiction games, including Cepheus Engine and the Original Classic Science-Fiction Roleplaying Game.


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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Two new Mantis projects underway


Currently working on two Mantis projects:
1) The Encyclopedia of the Mantis Universe — An encyclopedia of information about the Mantis universe and characters.

2) Early Mantis — A collection of short stories that provide back stories of all of the crew members.

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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Book 5 Released on Amazon


It's Here!!! Book 5 -- Mantis Intrigue is AVAILABLE on Amazon!! Be among the first to get your copy.

The crew of the Mantis continues their adventures. Now government entities scheme and pressure the crew for more info on ancient, powerful aliens they encountered. What will the government do with that info and what are the aliens up to?


See the launch video here:

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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

In editing for Book 5


In the depths of editing Book 5. Hoping to be ready for an early April release.

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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Hard at work on Book 5


I’m working away on Book 5, tentatively titled “Mantis Intrigues.” I’ve got a strong draft, have a few beta readers looking at it, and then will get with the professional editor. Still hoping to release in early April.

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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

A recording of the "Worldbuilding on the Cheap" panel at COSINE.


Last weekend at CoSine I was on a panel for Worldbuilding. One of my fellow panelists, Michael Kilman, recorded it and it is available for anyone to listen to on his site:.


My fellow panelists, Michael Kilman, Stant Litore, and Charles Redding, all brought interesting and insightful views on the subject and the audience had many good observations.

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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson



Had a great time at COSINE 2020 — Sci Fi / Fantasy / Writing Conference. Sat on panels on AI, world-building, and what to do after NaNoWriMo. Got to chat with lots of great authors.

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Jim Henderson Jim Henderson

Getting Ready for COSINE 2020


I’m looking forward to the COSINE Science Fiction/Writing convention next weekend 17-19 Jan 20.

I’ll be on several author panels and generally have a chance to ‘rub shoulders’and exchange ideas with other authors and fans.

I think it’ll be a good time and these kind of events can always be useful for honing your craft.

Be on the look out — I plan another free promotion during the con.

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